Västerås Summer Meet 3-5 July 2025

Welcome to Västerås Summer Meet, one of Europe’s biggest car shows, will be held 3-5/7 2025 in Västerås. 

One of the biggest car shows in Europe will be situated on Johannisbergs airfield from Thursday 3/7 to Saturday 5/7  2025.
There will be car assessments on the Friday and Saturday in many different categories, which are presented under the activity “Judging of cars”. We will of course also have a big swapmeet with sellers that represent our car interest and the culture around it. If you want to have a marketplace for selling car related stuff, please contact info@vasterassummermeet.se

Read more about openinghours, parkings, entrance fee……

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Västerås Summer Meet Västerås Summer Meet Västerås Summer Meet

Activities at Johannisbergs airfield

Big Trucks

This year Summer Meet welcomes Big Trucks, like Peterbilt and Kenworth etc. on the field. If you want to come to us and show off your vehicle, this year we will mark off a special area where you can park your vehicle and where you can also stay overnight. There is no need to pre-register

Thursday - Saturday

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Bikes on Summer Meet

Västerås Summer Meet in association with Mashed Kidneys MC will use a earlier left out part of the airfield for Choppers, Bobbers and other classic motorcycles created before 1977, because we belive that motorcycles and cars belong together. Contact persons from Mashed Kidneys are Jonny Hellgren, phone +46 70 2066961 or Hasse Petersson, hans.petersson@harakersbygg.se  

Thursday, Friday & Saturday

Johannisbergs airfield

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Buick Limited 1958 parking

BUICK LIMITED 1958 owners and admirers, look here! We think it would be great fun to gather as many 1958 Buick Limited as possible on the field this year. We who organise the meeting think it is one of the most beautiful cars ever made. We have a special car park near the stands where

Sturday 6th July
During our opening hours
On the airfield (meeting)

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Photo: Henrik Lindberg


Who is going to be 2024 years Cowboy  and Cowgirl? Come and compete at our Bullriding arena with the possibility to win a real cowboy hat from Texas. It costs 50 SEK to join the contest (20SEK for children) and you do not have to sign up in beforehand. All participants play on the same

Thursday 4/7- Saturday 6/7
All opening hours
Johannisbergs airfield

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Fotograf: Calle Sigrell

Car care corner

Don´t miss our ”Car care corner” on Johannisbergs airfield during all three days. A number of specialists in different areas will give you tips and advice concerning your car or ongoing project and hopefully we can help someone on the spot. There will be renowned specialists in engines, gearboxes, paintjobs, pinstriping, modifications of bodies and powertrains, customiser

Thursday, friday and saturday

Johannisbergs Flygfält

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Photo: Berndt Sevillius

Car clubs and brands

We will of course have an area espacially intended for carclubs. If you are interested in an area for your club, please Contact Leif Hedström on leif_hedstrom@hotmail.com or +46 70 683 67 29 after 6pm. When you come out to us, it is best to drive in at the Tidö entrance, see map here on

Thursday, Friday & Saturday

Johannisbergs airfield

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Photo: Elisabeth Torninger

Car corral – in association with Mel´s Garage

If you are looking to buy or sell your enthusiast car then you have the chance to do business on the Car Corral area in the field. Mel’s Garage will help you which is on site. At Car Corral all private sellers and buyers can meet. Mel’s Garage is there to make it a little

Thursday, Friday & Saturday

Johannisbergs airfield

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Foto: Henrik Lindberg

Coolest Rockabilly hairstyle 2024

During Miss Västerås Summer Meet 2024 we will also let the boys compete a little. Our finalists get to show off their amazing rockabilly hairstyles and a winner of the Coolest Rockabilly Hairstyle 2024 will be voted by our Miss Summer Meet finalists. Register by sending a picture of your hairstyle along with your name,

Friday 5th July
14.30 pm
Big stage

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Greatest Sound 2024

The competition for those who like real sound, and we are of course talking about engine sounds that give you goose bumps and makes you tremble. Pre-registration for this competition is required as we will select 8 finalists from those who have registered their interest to the email address below. It is a knockout competition

Thursday 4/7
Kl 14.00
Big stage, Johannisberg

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Helicopter Tours

Take the opportunity to see Västerås from the air during Västerås Summer Meet, it´s awesome! The flight is about 5 minutes and you don´t have to reserve in advance. There is no agelimit, but children shall be accompanied by an adult. The helicopter can take 4 passengers and you are aloud to take photos during

Thursday, Friday & Saturday

Johannisbergs Airfield

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Hot Rod and Custom cars

This year we have made a special area where we welcome Hot rods and Custom cars a little extra. We have no official clubs represented except SSRA. Throughout Saturday, SSRA’s representative Josef Sommarkrans is on site, if you have any questions, you can reach him on tel 070-3049224 . The designated area is located on

Thursday, Friday and Saturday
During our opening hours

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Photo: Strandfoto

Judging of cars

Västerås Summer Meets judging of cars This year you can win an USA trip Worth 50.000 SEK if you have a fine car and participates in our judging. The cars are judged in seven different classes of 5 professional judges. No preregistration is necassary. We will draw a winner among all prizewinners in each class,

Friday 5th and Saturday 6th July
Friday 9.30am 12.30 pm and Saturaday 10 am to 1 pm
Johannisbergs airfield

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Photo: Susanne Moëll

Life Style Corner

Cars are important and the core in the entire carshow, but they are not everything. We are many who like the whole culture around the cars and the spirit of the times like clothes, hairstyles, music and so on. For that reason we will have a special area of the field that we have chosen

Thursday, friday and saturday

Johannisbergs air field

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Mel´s Challenge

MEL’S CHALLENGE With the Krantz family’s permission, we’re continuing the tradition this summer, with packed stands, music, speed, excitement, cars, cars, cars and an audience that decides it all. The popular competition is a show where the racing cars drive forward two by two to music and rap speaker where the audience is also the

Saturday 8th of July
Johannisbergs airfield

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Photo: Strandfoto

Miss Västerås Summer Meet 2023 – Winners

The Winner of Miss Västerås Summer Meet 2023 is Diana Holiday from Skurup, Sweden.. 2:nd place Josefin Diamond, from Vikarbyn, Sweden and 3:rd place Miss Sweet Kiss from Ljusfallshammar, Sweden.     Meet and greet in Strip Bar. The jury had a hard time to pick out 3 girls from this 10 beautyful and charming

Friday 5th July
14.30 pm
Big stage

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Miss Västerås Summer Meet 2024 – Finalists

During Västerås Summer meet 2024, we will arrange a “Pin up contest”.  The girls compete with clothes, hair and make up, and all of it in retrostyle , and of course, charm! The jury has now chosen 20 candidates and now we need your help to vote for the finalists. The 10 girls that get the

Friday 5/7
Johannisbergs airfield

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Foto: Gunnar Strand

Restaurants and Rock´n Roll

There are both a café and a bar/restaurant out at Johannisbergs meetarea. Flamingo Café will be open during the entire meet out at Johannisbergs airfield. You will there be able to get breakfast, take a light lunch like a salad, hot dogs or baguettes, take a coffée or buy ice cream and more. We have

Thursday, Friday & Saturday
Daytime to 6 pm
Johannisbergs airfield

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Retro fashion show

Friday at 12.30 pm there will be a fashion show in retrostyle at the Big stage. tI will be arranged by Butik Essibella who is one of our sponsors. Both men and women will show clothes from several of our sellers on the Swapmeet. Photos taken by Selisfoto and Strandfoto.    

Friday 4th July
12.30 pm
Big stage, Johannisberg

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Foto: Henrik Lindberg

Sign up for Västerås Summer Meet Pinup contest 2025 – closed

During Västerås Summer meet 2025, we will arrange the popular Västerås Summer Meet Pin up contest again. You will compete with clothes, hair and make up in retrostyle, and of course, a lot of charm! The contest will be held in the area for everyone who is interested in the culture around the cars. A

Friday 4th July
2 pm
Johannisbergs airfield

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We have a big marketplace there we have a lot of diffrent wendors selling carparts, nostalgic items, clothes and other things that are related to our mutual intrest. This year we have 400 sellers, but we have a few spots left, so if you are interested in selling stuff yourself contact us on info@vasterassummermeet.se, look

Thursday, Friday & Saturday

Johannisbergs airfield

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Veteran moped parking

Västerås Summer Meet in cooperation with Mopedgänget Västerås invites you with a veteran moped to park on a special car park adjacent to the Mc-parking inside Johannisbergs Flygfält. So if you have a nice moped, park it in the designated car park inside the area and then you can calmly walk around and look, while

Thursday, Friday and Saturday
During our opening hours
Johannisberg airfield

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Activities around town

After Meet på O´Learys, Västerås

Under torsdag, fredag och lördagskvällen när fältet har stängt, så kör de After Meet med livespelningar på O´Learys i Västerås. Varför inte åka dit, ta en öl och lyssna på följande band: Torsdag 9 pm VEM E DU & JeppsoN Fredag 9 pm 250 KG Kärlek, Lördag  9 pm Drängarna Biljetter finns att köpa på

Thursday, Friday and Saturday
9 pm
O´Learys, Västerås

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Best crusing award

The organized crusing of beautiful cars will be situated on Sjöhagsvägen and going through city on Friday 5th of July, with start at 5 pm. Registration and selection to this will occur out on the field during the Friday from 8 am. Be aware that the number of participants is limited and that it´s often

Friday 5/8
At 5 pm
Johannisbergs airfield - Sjöhagsvägen - City

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Drive in wedding and christening

To be married, renew your marrige or get christening on Västerås Summer Meet is both simple and atmospheric. Its good if you tell us before you are coming but its not necessary, come like you are. We have the priest, good music and a non alcoholic sparkling  toast, just waiting for you and you family.

Friday 5th of July
7 pm - 9 pm

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Live music på Västerås Officersmäss

Live music at Vasteras Officersmess. We’re serving BBQ together with live music at our restaurant that used to be the officer’s mess at Swedens first royal airbase. A lot of history and things from the late 30’s and early 40’s. Thursday 4th; DOUG SEEGERS at 6 pm, tickets: https://secure.tickster.com/sv/mcdjjrf1vr23w9d/products  Friday 5th and Saturday 6th; RAGGARTÅGET

Thursday, Friday & Saturday

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Mel´s Garage in Enköping

Mel’s Garage in Enköping is extra open during Västerås Summer Meet! Open daily, but under Summer Meet we have extra open Wednesday-Thursday until 20.00 and Friday-Saturday until 21.00. Drop by and check if we have the car that suits you, or if we can help you sell your car. Take the opportunity to have a

Open daily, but extra open Wednsday 3rd - Thursday 4th until 8pm and Friday 5th - Saturday 6th july until 9 pm
10.00 - 22.00
Mel´s Garage, Åkerbyg. 4, Enköping

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Summer Meets crusinglist on Spotify

We want everyone to join us and create the years best cruising list! We now release a playlist on spotify for this summers great event. The playlist is open, which means that everyone can add songs as long as they follow the playlist. Lets now together make a list that is as good as possible

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Västerås Summer Meet Cruising 2024

This year’s cruising is organised by the association Varos Cruising and is aimed at the same cars as the Summer Meet, i.e. American cars of all years and classic cars before 1977. The association organises food trucks, market stalls, candy sales, cruising hosts etc. along the cruising route. Varos Cruising is funded by sponsors, municipal

Friday 5th and Saturday 6th July
17.00 - 01.00
Sjöhagsvägen - Lögarängen – Kungsängsgatan

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Västerås Summer Meet Radio!

Västerås Närradio broadcasts rock’n’roll music, country and rockabilly music interspersed with elements from the Summer meeting area. Broadcast times are Thursday to Saturday  from 04:00 p.m. to 04:00 a.m. You can find us on 93.7 MHz or www.fmiv.nu Powerd by Aros mobilkranar. Do you want to wish a song or send a greeting? Call 021

Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Radio at 93,7 Mhz

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Visit Brinkens Garage in Hallstahammar

Brinkens Garage in Hallstahammar holds Open House on Thursday 4/7 and Friday 5/7 between 17.00-22.00 during Västerås Summer Meet. Visit us, have a burger or a coffee and take a closer look at what we are doing. We are located on Industrigatan 8 in Hallstahammar. We advice you to take the old road for a

Thursday 4/7 and Friday 5/7
17.00 - 22.00
Industrig.8, Hallstahammar

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Visit Teddy Boys CarClub during Västerås Summer Meet

We repair your car during Västerås Summer Meet! Welcome to Teddy Boys CarClub, at our club house you can by something from the grill or order a lighter snack! We have coffee, cool drinks and live music. Payway: Cash Adres: PANKO 8,Västerås Open: 5/7-9/7  


Panko 8, Västerås

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