Miss Västerås Summer Meet 2024 – Finalists
Friday 5/7
Johannisbergs airfield

During Västerås Summer meet 2024, we will arrange a “Pin up contest”. The girls compete with clothes, hair and make up, and all of it in retrostyle , and of course, charm!
The jury has now chosen 20 candidates and now we need your help to vote for the finalists. The 10 girls that get the most votes will procede to the final that is held during the Friday 5/7 out on Johannisbergs airfield during the car meet Västerås Summer Meet 2024! We will crown Miss Västerås Summer Meet 2024 that will also be professionally taken photos of, the winner will be on next years meetsign together with the car that wins Best in show!
The jury consists of Peter Sandberg from The Go Getters, Jaana Kallio Hemlin a pinup girl and manager of Essibella, Ann-Charlotte Ek – pinup photographer, Susanne Moëll organiser of Västererås Summer Meet.
We will now present our top 10 girls that got the most votes and they will procede to the final that is held during the friday 5/7 out on Johannisbergs airfield during the car meet Västerås Summer Meet 2024!