Västerås Summer Meet

Here is some short information about Västerås Summer Meet 2025

The event will be situated on Johannisbergs airfield from Thursday 3/7 to Saturday 5/7 2025.

Our opening hours

  • Thursday 3/7, 10.00-18.00
  • Friday 4/7, 08.00-18.00
  • Saturday 5/7, 08.00-17.00

Admission fee on Johannisbergs airfield

  • One day: 200 SKR
  • Two days: 300 SKR
  • Trhee days: 400 SKR

Children under 15 years with an adult is free.

Visitors parking 50 SKR/day.

There will be car assessments on the Friday and Saturday in many different categories. We will of course also have a big swapmeet with sellers that represent our car interest and the culture around it.
The first 1000 cars on the thursday, 2000 first cars on friday and saturday will of course get our popular tinsign.

We will offer you different kind of food and beverages, we are sure you will find something you like! Accept hamburgers which, is served on several places around the field, we have our restaurant Strip Bar and Flamingo Café. In Strip Bar we serve different kind of meals, beer, wine and soft drinks. In our Flamingo Café we are serving salads, sandwiches, hotdogs, coffe and breakfast.

On Friday 4th we have our pinup competition then we will Crown our Miss Västerås Summer Meet 2025.

We are working hard with the rest of the program, we have a lot to take care of. We promise we will not disappoint you.

More information shortly so keep track here on the webside and on our facebook page Västerås Summer Meet 2025.