Car corral – in association with Mel´s Garage
Thursday, Friday & Saturday
Johannisbergs airfield

If you are looking to buy or sell your enthusiast car then you have the chance to do business on the Car Corral area in the field. Mel’s Garage will help you which is on site. At Car Corral all private sellers and buyers can meet. Mel’s Garage is there to make it a little simpler and easier for both sellers and buyers.
If you want to sell: Register your car in the small Car Corral tent and Mel’s Garage takes care of your contact details and conveys them to the speculators that get in touch with you. You do not have to sit by your car all day, but can relax and stroll around at the car show. A possible deal is done by yourself with your buyer.
If you are a speculator on a car: Come to the Car Corral tent and you will get more information and contact details for the owner of the car.
Car Corral will be a natural part of the Car Care Corner. There will of course also be firms represented in other areas that may have just what you are looking for or can give you professional help to find the right car for you.