Greatest Sound 2024
Thursday 4/7
Kl 14.00
Big stage, Johannisberg

The competition for those who like real sound, and we are of course talking about engine sounds that give you goose bumps and makes you tremble.
Pre-registration for this competition is required as we will select 8 finalists from those who have registered their interest to the email address below. It is a knockout competition that takes place on Thursday 4th July at 2pm at the main stage. It is the audience in the stands that decides who has the coolest sound, so it has nothing to do with how loud it sounds.
A requirement is that your car is registered and inspected, so no pure racing cars may participate, then if it sounds more or different than at the time of inspection is ok.
Registration with a short video or image on car and motor to
We are so happy that we got so many participants in our sound competition Greatest Sound 2023 and the competition became a real thrill!
The winner of Greatest sound 2024 was Louise Andersson from Hallstahammar with her Chevrolet Mater 1939, who beat out Magnus Bergerin with his Ford Tudor 1929.
Third prize to Håkan Börgel från Lindesberg med sin Chevrolet Chevelle 1969.