Finalists in Miss Västerås Summer Meet competition

We will Crown a Miss Västerås Summer Meet 2024

This 10 girls got the most votes on our voting on the website and they proceded to the final that is held during the Friday 5/7 out on Johannisbergs airfield during the car meet Västerås Summer Meet 2024!

Don´t miss our “Meet and greet” with the finalists in Strip Bar at 1.30 pm, ther you can take the opportunity to talk a bit with the girls and wish your favourite the best of luck.

At 2.30 pm it´s time for the final at the Big stage. The girls compete with clothes, hair and make up, and all of it in retrostyle , and of course, charm!

The Winner of Miss Västerås Summer Meet 2024 will get a professionally photoshoot and be on next years meetsign and merchandice together with the car that wins Best in show!


Presentation of our finalists
Miss Evelyn Gold, Sweden


New pinup of 28 years, who tried to compete in Rättvik last year and who after they became completely stuck! Also participated in Miss Winter 2024. Previously, I have run in the other direction when a camera comes out, but with pinup I have gained the courage to develop. And now there is no stop but only the gas at the bottom!
In everyday life I work as a correctional officer. I live with my wonderful partner Thomas and 3 children every other week.
Becoming Miss Summer Meet 2024 would be an incredible honour and a kickstart in my dream journey in pinup!


Miss Lily Lorraine, Finland


Here I am, an authentic and sparkling pin up multiplayer, from your neighbouring country Finland. I just love classic 40s style, but also have a rebellious side. In pin up I love to be what I’m made for, go forward and show my own style!
Motivations: I would like to show that there is an amazing 46-year-old pin up girl from Finland who can make Västerås rock! (And of course because my aunt used to live there 30 years ago) 😃.

Miss Sun Sourire, Sweden


I’m an almost 23-year-old, now living in a whining belt, with a partner and two cats. I work as a lorry driver, and in my spare time I do everything from dancing and weight training to baking and being out in the woods. In other words, I am a very diverse person.
I grew up with cars and engines, and my interest in culture has only increased over the years! There is nothing like cruising around, with the wonderful people that are part of the culture!
I have just started my journey as a pinup, so this is really exciting!
Motivation: It would have been an honour to carry the title of Miss Summer Meet 2024, but mainly it would have been so cool to prove to myself that I actually dared to participate! To have had the opportunity to challenge myself, in such a fun way!

Josefin Diamond, Sweden


I am a happy and cheerful valley girl of almost 38 years old who loves the rockabilly culture.
Have 3 children, 2 of them are adults.
Works at a preschool and is also a trained nurse that I want to work extra as. Will be so happy to help and be there for both children and our elderly.
My interests are everything with the 50s, the home is adorned with lots of teak and 40-50s. The music is absolutely wonderful, the cars, the clothes, the style, yes everything!
Have also been photographed a few times in pinup style and it is so much fun.
There are a lot of flea markets and car meetings in the summer.
Otherwise, I spend time with my beloved family, partner, my children and bonus children.
I meet friends when I can and spend a lot of time in the stables. As horses are also a great interest.
Motivation: I came in second place last year and am so grateful and happy and had not intended to apply again this year, but I also feel that I want to compete again and get the chance to be miss Summer Meet as it would be an honour to represent you and be on all merch. It is a dream and you have to dare to invest 🥰.

Candy Caprice, Finland


I am a 30 year old mother of 2 children, riding teacher and interested in creating an international pinup career.
In 2017 I participated in the Miss route 5 competition and became the first heritage princess and in 2023 in the international Midnightsun pinup competition and reached the final.
Motivations: I am an energetic pocket rocket who knows how to throw myself and a chameleon who can adapt to many different styles.

Miss Bella Divine, Norway


I’m Miss Bella Divine your friendly neighborhood, 26 year old Norwegian gal with a love for all things 50s! Picture this: a dash of Marilyn’s charm, a sprinkle of Audrey’s grace, and a whole lot of zest for life.

By day, I’m your not-so-secret weapon in the world of crime-solving, working as a criminal intelligence analyst. But by night, you’ll find me trading my magnifying glass for a poodle skirt, dancing the night away to Elvis tunes and dreaming of cruising in those classic American cars.

Speaking of which, if there’s a vintage car show in town, you can bet I’m there, channeling my inner grease monkey and swooning over those sleek rides. And let’s not forget my little partner-in-crime, my 5-year-old son, who’s already got his hair slicked back with brylcream and knows the lyrics to every Elvis song by heart!

But hey, I’m not all about solving mysteries and swooning over the 50s. I’m also a social butterfly, always up for a good chat and a laugh over a milkshake or two. So, if you ever spot me at the local diner or hitting the dance floor at a retro party, don’t be shy to come say hi!

Here’s to celebrating the timeless charm of the 50s and making memories that’ll last a lifetime. Let’s rock ‘n’ roll, folks!” 🎶✨

Miss Lady Cherryred, Sweden


I am a 30-year-old valley girl who loves the retro spirit. Everything about the culture makes me feel at home.
I am the mother of a son who also loves the culture and he grew up with the Summer Meet, that you go there every summer, also other car meetings.
Everything from cars to crocheting is something I do when I’m not working at my beloved petrol station that I’ve been at for 10 years.
People are something I love to make happy knowing that I can help in some small way. Happy and cheerful most of the time, but I can keep a tight rein on myself if needed.
Motivations: If I were to become Miss Summer Meet 2024, I would feel that I am living up to myself. Also be a great role model for young people that you can do it no matter where you come from. And how tough you have had it in life. I WANT to be a role model and that is why I would like to be Miss Summer Meet 2024!

Miss Honey Rose, Sweden


I am a happy and social woman, a little over 50 years old, who lives with my partner outside Enköping. I like the 50s style with the clothes and cars, I drive a Buick with my partner and we visit many car meetings during the season.
I work in healthcare and have many interests such as exercise, gardening, clothes/vintage and antiques. Collecting gnomes & old Easter eggs, animal interest, and of course driving my 1956 Buick during the season.
Motivations: With my age I want to challenge the younger generation, winning Miss Summer Meet 2024 is an honour and to represent the female pinup style and to represent such a nice event as Summer Meet actually is.

Miss Sweet Kiss, Sweden


I am a lively and cheerful girl from Östergötland who has recently become a mum for the first time! I am also a driven person with a bit of stubbornness who knows what I want and I don’t give up until I have achieved it.
Motivation: Why I would like to win this year’s Miss Summer Meet is because it has always been such a big dream of mine that I have had for many years. I was in the last year and came third, but this year I would like to take it all home and show other women and men that if you just want and believe in it, you will achieve your dreams no matter how big they may be!

Miss Holly Phenix, Finland


I am a full-time pinup girl and I identify my style as 50s housewife/40s working girl. I work in an office which allows me to look like myself even at work. I love knitting and sewing. I actually studied at night school to become a tailor while working just to be able to sew my own clothes. I love the scene (open-minded people, sisterhood, fun and wonderful friends, space to be me) and the aesthetics of the culture. I feel like finding pinup, about 7 years ago, has meant finding myself. It’s really been a journey from then to now, both mentally and physically, and I wouldn’t change anything because it’s all led to where I am now. And I love being myself today. <3
Motivation: I would be honoured to be in the final of Miss Summer Meet 2024. I am funny, smiling and helpful. I love being around people and making everyone feel welcome. Miss Summer Meet – the title suits me because I am optimistic, open-minded and a full-time pinup girl with a huge love for the 40s and 50s. Honestly, just being part of the event as one of the lucky 10 would be an amazing experience.